author Žiga



  • An imperial amulet for luck and wealth is created by a professional magician with his own hands or under the name of a certain person to change your life. How to make an imperial fox with your own hands and how it works? How to increase the effectiveness of a talisman? Answers in the article.
    10 August 2021
  • History of the appearance of the talisman in the form of an imperial coin, the magical properties of the amulet. How to make an amulet with your own hands, how to fill it and how to use it properly.
    8 January 2021
  • What are the talismans that bring prosperity. Big and small chance amulet: how to make it yourself and how to fill it.
    30 November 2020
  • What and how to make a talisman for good luck and prosperity with your own hands? The essence, creation, features and rules of talismans, energy charging. Talismans with the sign of the zodiac.
    5 November 2020
  • The emperor amulet for luck, wealth and prosperity: what it is, how to do it yourself and how to dress properly.
    3 October 2020